Atala Schöck

Curriculum Vitae

Having received a degree in German language and literature at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, ATALA SCHÖCK studied singing and operatic art at Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest.

Furthermore, she attended various master classes with Julia Hamari, Anna Reynolds, Adrienne Csengery, Walther Berry, and Walter Moore.

1999 She won the International Wagner Scholarship.

In 1998 She won the Simándy József Singing Competition, 2000 She got Third Prize in he Singing Competition of the Hungarian Radio.

For a few years she was member of the Szeged National Theatre, Hungary, then she was appeared at the Budapest State Opera, Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt, the Semperoper Dresden as well as the Brussels Theatre de la Monnaie, Teatro Massimo Palermo, Volksoper Wien, Theater an der Wien, Teatro de la Maestranza Sevilla, Opéra Bastille Paris, Teatro Regio Torino, Janacek Theatre Brno, Teatro Comunale Bologna and the Prague Narodni Divadlo.

2004-2007 She was singing in the Bayreuther Festspiele in  the roles of the Zweiter Knappe and one of the Blumenmadchen in Parsifal by Richard Wagner.

2006- Ms Schöck performed several roles since 2006 in the Budapest International Wagner Days.

2012 She made her debut at the St Galler Festspiele as Marguerite  in La Damnation de Faust by Berlioz; the performance was conducted by Sébeastien Rouland and directed by Carlos Wagner.

Ms Schöck got "Kammersängerin 2016/17" Prize of the Hungarian State Opera House.

In 2017 She got Franz Liszt Prize from the Ministry of Culture for her extraordinary musical and theatrical work.

She can also regularly be seen on the concert platform, for example in Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Lincoln Center NY, Santa Cecilia Rome, Konzerthaus Wien  and Musikverein Wien.

She worked with conductorts Helmuth Rilling, Pierre Boulez, Alessandro de Marchi, Daniele Gatti, Paolo Carignani, Kyrill Petrenko, Pedro Halffter, Vincent Monteuil, Kobayashi Kenichiro, Michel Swierczewski, Philippe Jordan, Pinchas Steinberg, Günter Neuhold, Iván Fischer, Zoltán Kocsis, Péter Csaba,  Andriy Yurkevich, Michel Plasson, Krzysztof Penderecki, Juraj Valcuha, Oksana Lyniv  and Ádám Fischer.

She also co-operated with Directors Keith Warren, Calixto Bieito, Company El Fura dels Baus, William Kentridge and the Handspring Puppet Company, Karl Ernst und Ursel Hermann, Ondrej Havelka, Christoph Schlingensief, Hartmuth Schörghofer, Michal Znaniecki, Balázs Kovalik, János Szikora and  Günther Kramer.

Her most important roles include

  • Cherubino (Le nozze di Figaro)
  • Dorabella (Cosí fan tutte)
  • Sextus (La clemenza di Tito)
  • Ascanio (Ascanio in Alba)
  • Siebel (Faust)
  • Nicklausse/La Muse (Les contes d’Hoffmann)
  • Pauline (La Dame de Pique)
  • Marguerite ( La damnation de Faust)
  • Charlotte (Werther)
  • Carmen
  • Örzse (Kodály: Háry János)
  • Housewife (Kodály: The spinnery)
  • Fricka (Wagner: Das Rheingold)
  • Fricka (Wagner: Die Walküre)
  • Brangäne (Wagner: Tristan und Isolde)
  • Judit (Bartók: Herzog Blaubarts Burg)
  • Klythaimnestra (R. Strauss:Elektra)
  • Erda (Wagner: Das Rheingold)
  • Erda (Wagner: Siegfried)
  • Ulrica (Verdi: Un ballo in Maschera)